The General Manager
Corp. Relationship Deptt.
BSE Ltd.
1st. Floor, New Trading Ring,
Rotunda Building, P J Towers,
Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai
Sub.: Disclosure under regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015 – COVID – 19 update.
Dear Sir,
Please note that in view of the complete Lockdown Order of the country by the Central / state Govt. dt 24/3/2020, the Company has decided to extend the temporary Shutdown of our Plant and Offices at Nabha and Dharwad, till further Notification/ Announcement.
Looking to the government next orders we shall further review the situation and decide.
We request all please adhere to the Govt. instructions for the safety of self, family and the
Yours Faithfully
For SAL Automotive Limited
Gagan Kaushik
(Company Secretary)